


Kangshun company love action

Since 2015, our company has been doing a series of charity activities

In 2015, the District Federation of industry and Commerce unified contact with pension institutions

Enji senior apartment

Grand Hyatt family apartment for the elderly

Renshou senior apartment

Shengquan senior apartment

Yaoyang senior apartment

Yixinyuan senior apartment

Homes for the aged

Huasen senior apartment in 2018

Elderly apartment for military and civilian in 2019

Donation ceremony on the Double Ninth Festival in 2019

Donation team set off

The old man received wheelchairs and diapers

Epidemic situation in 2020, donation to Wuhan

List of hospitals receiving donations

Song Jiandong 13007117667, a provincial hospital of integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

2. Central South Hospital of Wuhan University Huang Jingyu 133499961

3 Petrochemical hospital Wang Daijun 15327178798

4. Zhu Zhengfeng, Department of Cardiology, Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital, Tel: 15171507065

5 Office of the second people's Hospital of Hanchuan City Liu Chang 15072091388

6 Office of the Ninth Hospital of Wuhan City Shen Han 18571578960

7 Ezhou second hospital Wang Rong 15871518286

8. Lin Hui, Central South Hospital, 18971525716.

9 Changjiang hospital Wang Yumei 13871087559

He Lingling, the first doctor of Jingmen City, Hubei Province, Tel: 18608690688

11 Zhou Yijun, second doctor of Jingmen City, Hubei Province, Tel: 13971846667

12 Liu Yulan, Department of Gynecology, Hubei maternal and child health hospital 13871549212

Zhao Hongfeng, Department of Neurology, Wuhan Central Hospital, 1399567805882211412

14 Hubei Zhongshan Hospital Liu Liming 18963998086

15 Department of orthopedics, Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital song Hongyan 13720113133

16. Hanchuan Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine 139 9587 0829

17. Hospital Name: Yicheng Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, Li Weizhong, 1398637269

18. Hospital Name: Zhu Chengxing 15827261127, community health service center, stadium street, Jiang'an District

19. Hospital Name: AI Fen, emergency department, Wuhan Central Hospital, 13006191071.

20. Zhao Gang, Department of emergency, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of science and technology 137 9704 4969

21. Hospital Name: Department of thoracic surgery, Hubei Hospital of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine contact person: Zhu Bing 18963993309

22. Hospital Name: Zhang Lianxiang, contact person of Affiliated Hospital of Wuhan Huake Tongji Medical College 15327437399

23. Department of emergency, Wuhan Central Hospital, Nanjing Road, 15392917873, Huang Guimin,

24. Wang Jie, community health service center, Huanghelou street, Wuchang District, Wuhan

25. No.61 Banqiao Avenue, QianChuan street, Huangpi District, Wuhan City, Cheng Huimin, 1592724483

26. Department of pain, 16th floor, building 3, East Hospital, people's Hospital of Wuhan University, Jia Yifan, 15997411088

27. Department of equipment, Tongshan people's Hospital, Xianning City, Hubei Province. Huang Bangjiang. 15727151052。

28. Su Jie, West Hospital, Union Hospital, Zhuankou economic development zone, Wuhan, Tel: 13260689386

29. Hu JUANJUAN, West Hospital, Union Hospital, Zhuankou economic development zone, Wuhan 13477000739.

Thank you letter from Wuhan

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