


Introduction and specification of adult diapers

Adult diapers are disposable paper urinary incontinence products, one of the adult care products, mainly suitable for incontinence adult disposable diapers. The main performance of adult diapers is water absorption, which mainly depends on the amount of fluff pulp and high molecular absorbent. Adult diapers are disposable paper urinary incontinence products, one of the adult care products, mainly suitable for incontinence adult disposable diapers.

The majority of adult diapers are in sheet shape when they are purchased, and they are short after wearing. Use adhesive sheet to connect into a pair of shorts. At the same time, the adhesive sheet has the function of adjusting the waist size, so as to adapt to different fat and thin body shapes.

Generally, the diaper structure is divided into three layers from the inside to the outside. The inner layer is close to the skin and is made of non-woven fabric; The middle layer is water absorbing fluff pulp with high molecular absorbent added; The outer layer is waterproof plastic film.

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