


What are the suitable objects of nursing pad

According to different users, nursing pad can be divided into infant nursing pad, maternal nursing pad and adult nursing pad. When are they used? Follow Xiaobian to understand.

Baby care pad is mainly used for newborns, to isolate urine, to ensure that the underlying mattress or mattress is not wet by urine, so the baby care pad is also known as urine isolation pad. When the baby care pad is wet, it should be replaced immediately to ensure that the baby's buttocks are dry.

Puerperal care pad is a necessary product for women after childbirth, also known as puerperal pad. Just after giving birth to a child, there will be a lot of lochia every day in the first half of the month, which can not be satisfied by ordinary sanitary napkins. At this time, special puerperal care pad is needed. The use time of puerperal care pad is generally from the first time after childbirth to the whole puerperal bleeding and lochia discharge.

The adult nursing pad is mainly used for people who are paralyzed after operation and those who can't take care of themselves. It is convenient to replace the adult nursing pad, which can ensure that the mattress under the building won't be dirty.

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