


Use of expired adult diapers

Use of expired adult diapers
1. Expired adult diapers can be used to mop the floor
As the saying goes, a rotten boat has three Jin nails. Although the absorption performance of expired adult diapers is slightly weakened, they are still many times stronger than ordinary rags or mops. Mopping the floor with expired diapers not only has amazing water absorption effect, but also the non-woven fabric on the surface can gently protect the floor, making the floor as bright as waxed, and can't help rolling up and down after mopping.
2. Diapers are used as antipyretic stickers,
If you think that diapers are not a new thing to use as dishcloth, but you have never thought that adult diapers will become antipyretic stickers one day.
If the baby has a fever, but there is no antipyretic paste at home, friends can pour a glass of water on the clean diapers, then put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes and take it out, aiming the middle part of the water absorption bead at the baby's forehead. Can play a antipyretic paste effect.
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