


Evolution of adult diapers

No matter how beautiful a woman is, no matter how great a person is, they all have their infancy and uncontrolled bladder. As their intimate partners in infancy, diapers can't get even a little praise with their glory. In order to let you know our products, let me introduce adult diapers
Space experts say that diapers were originally designed for astronauts to urinate in space, but later they were turned into civilian use. In fact, diapers had a long way to go before they became diapers
It was the Japanese who began to try diaper substitutes. The reason is very simple. In the Second World War, Japan was short of natural materials. But the Swede boristerm took a substantial step. In 1942, he invented a two-piece adult diaper. The outer layer was made of plastic pants, and the inner layer was made of paper absorbent pad
This kind of disposable is easy to break, debris will be stained on children's buttocks, so it has not been widely used for a long time
On April 12, 1961, Gagarin, the first space hero of mankind, had a small episode before going into space. When he was about to enter the launch module, Gagarin suddenly felt urgent to urinate. He had no choice but to get down, lean on the wheel of a car, and drain the urine along the pipe of the spacesuit. On May 5, 1961, Sheppard, the first American astronaut to travel in space, also encountered the problem of urgent urination, The commander ordered him to pee in the spacesuit, which was an adventure, because the heat of the urine may make the equipment in the spacesuit that must keep fresh fail. Fortunately, the urine cooled quickly, and the tragedy did not happen
It was not until the 1980s that the space suit was improved, polymer absorbers were added, and a paper diaper capable of absorbing 1400ml water was invented. It was no longer a big problem for astronauts to urinate. When they quickly got on the space express, they also played the polymer brand. In the TV program at that time, Taikong people's diapers were cut into pieces and thrown into the fish tank to show their strong water absorption
At this time, adult diapers have been updated to the fourth generation, with strong water absorption capacity. With the continuous improvement of production technology, adult diapers have improved from the single function of leak proof and urine absorption at the beginning to both leak proof, breathable, urine absorption and antibacterial, and added multiple functions such as elastic waist, three-dimensional leak proof and edge separation, Added anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, odor function
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