


How to distinguish the quality of adult diapers

In the use of adult diapers, how should we identify the quality of the product? If you buy inferior products, it's better not to use them. Because the use of inferior products will bring harm to the health of users. So when you buy products, how to identify the quality of product information is very important. The following editor will tell you what standards should be achieved in terms of performance, which is a good quality product
1、 The absorption effect of the product is better, because the faster the absorption, the less time the urine can contact with the body. This is of great benefit to health. Moreover, if the absorption is fast and more, the frequency of user replacement can be reduced, which is more economical
2、 If the material of the product is not good, it will cause serious damage to the user's skin. So the material should be soft enough, so that consumers can rest assured to use it
Three, the main thing is to be comfortable when users are using it, so choose carefully the size of the adult urine, the thickness of the product and so on.
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