


  • 產品名稱: Baoerle ml
  • 產品分類: Baoerle
  • 公司名稱: 山東康舜日用品有限公司
  • 聯系方式: 18560060398
  • 聯系地址: 濟南市天橋區北外環小魯莊工業園

Good diapers must let the skin breathe
The absorption core of baoerle adult urine pants adopts "cellulose + super absorbent resin". The strong water absorption of cellulose makes the urine pants more clean and hygienic. Compared with some products that only use super absorbent resin, the urine absorption is more uniform and it is not easy to form a group. In particular, it added the curly fiber pretreated by citric acid, which can conduct the diversion of urine well, and a large amount of urine is absorbed, so as to keep the contact layer between urine pants and skin dry and clean. At the same time, the citric acid crystal attached to the curly fiber of the product can be effectively and moderately released. After mixing with urine, it can create a skin friendly weak acid environment and effectively prevent avaricious dermatitis.
Stable and effective absorption capacity, so that baoerle adult urine pants can no longer use airtight PE film, the air permeability of the product can be seen.
Skin friendly and breathable, comfortable and effective antibacterial, wearing such diapers do not have to worry about skin itching, so it can be called a good product

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Baoerle ml產品熱銷城市:山東,煙臺,青島,威海,濰坊
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