


  • 產(chǎn)品名稱: Jieyibao diaper XL
  • 產(chǎn)品分類: Jieyibao
  • 公司名稱: 山東康舜日用品有限公司
  • 聯(lián)系方式: 18560060398
  • 聯(lián)系地址: 濟南市天橋區(qū)北外環(huán)小魯莊工業(yè)園

Selection point 1: bacteriostasis
The use of safe and effective durable antibacterial non-woven materials can block bacterial infection, accelerate the healing of skin friction damage, reduce the breeding of bacteria, reduce the red buttock phenomenon caused by skin immune response to bacteria, and prevent diaper rash.
Selection point 2: good dryness
Dryness is very important for diapers, which can prevent the appearance of rash, stuffy and wet symptoms. The dryness of diapers is not only related to the surface materials, but also the inner PE film, fluffy pulp, sap, etc. problems in one link will affect the dryness of diapers.
Selection point 3: good air permeability
If the air permeability is not good, it will feel very muggy. But the air permeability can't be seen at a glance, so we need to carefully observe the situation after use. Generally speaking, big brands of diapers are strictly tested in many ways, so it is relatively safe to use the brand as a reference.
Selection point 4: taste suppression
When adults wear diapers, they certainly don't change them in time as babies do. But wearing it for a long time can easily lead to odor, so a diaper that can suppress odor is particularly important.

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Jieyibao diaper XL產(chǎn)品熱銷城市:山東,煙臺,青島,威海,濰坊
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