


  • 產品名稱: Xinkanglejia diapers ml
  • 產品分類: Xinkangle
  • 公司名稱: 山東康舜日用品有限公司
  • 聯系方式: 18560060398
  • 聯系地址: 濟南市天橋區北外環小魯莊工業園

Xinkanglejia diapers have strong water locking ability, good air permeability, high elasticity and leak proof design. They are divided into three layers from the inside to the outside. The inner layer is close to the skin and is made of non-woven fabric; The middle layer is water absorbing fluff pulp with high molecular absorbent added; The outer layer is waterproof plastic film.

Modern diapers are generally composed of three main parts: surface coating, absorbing core layer and bottom cloth. The surface coating is close to the body, which can promote the rapid infiltration of urine and effectively prevent the re infiltration, so as to keep the surface of urine pants dry.

The main performance is water absorption, which mainly depends on the amount of fluff pulp and polymer water absorbent. Dry diapers can keep adults sleeping all night. Because of its strong water absorption, they are commonly known as "diapers". It is made of starch and acrylate as the main raw materials; The outstanding feature is that the amount of water absorption and storage is amazing.

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Xinkanglejia diapers ml產品熱銷城市:山東,煙臺,青島,威海,濰坊
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